We understand the process of building websites and mobile applications through our expertise and produce award winning solutions that become popular and make our clients achieve their goals and values. Kastech School portal is Equipped with more than 50 Features that covers all sections of a Primary and Secondary School
We have released the Version v4 of the portal. You can view the Change log and all updates on the portal here!
KasTech Portal works on all browsers and devices starting from your mobile device up to your largest computer ever. Be it Chrome, Firefox, I.E, or your personally built browser, KasTech Portal works smartly. Even with all features enabled and ability to add your own features, KasTech Portal is still the cheapest academic product on the web
If you have 1012 number of students and staff, KasTech Portal run activities and still deliver like a fiber optics cable! She was build to carry load and hosted on strongest server. Plus maintained data security and integrity.
KasTech Portal have ability to manage all schools different management requirements while delivery on high level of productivities and comfort.Branded with amazing digital library and Professional school website, its designed search engine friendly and social marketing structure to make your school known around the world.
KasTech Portal was built to be very Intelligent using the latest Web Technologies. She was built to think and operate using the Users Idealogy. Her flexibility makes it one of the best in the world.
At kAsTech Network, we use the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) which is a framework for delivering business solutions that relies heavily upon prototyping as a core technique( ISO 9001 approved.)
"We believe in Speed, Accuracy, Data Integrity and Security. Kastech School Portal gives us more"KELVIN UGBANA, DIRECTOR OF SYSTEMS