What's this Error about?
This Error is Encountered only during a file upload process. It occurs when the file to be uploaded could not be transfered from the
client work station into the server for utilization.
Can this be Prevented and what should I do?
This Error can only be prevented when the following are checked.
1. Check Network Speed: Slow network can be the cause of this Error. Slow network tends to slow so many processes running on the server. That is, the portal cannot complete the file transfer before the
stipulated time for the transfer. »Solution to this: Always make sure that you are connected to a very fast network.If not very fast, at least a speed of 20kB/s before you attempt any manner of file upload.
2. Incorrect File Encoding
The encoding of an image can be distorted making it difficult for the script to read when uploading. Before an image is uploaded, the image is disintegrated and then scanned for bad sectors
before the final upload. Once it detects any bad sector of an image, the file will be rendered useless.
3. Bad File Name
The name used in storing the file may be contradicting to what the portal understands. The file name have not affected file upload in many years but can be a factor.
Avoid the use invalid characters in file names even though the files will be renamed.
File size too Large
What's this Error about?
This is also a file related error. It occurs when the size of the file to be uploaded is greater than the size of the file that was stipulated.
According to the bandwith and disk space of the server, the size may vary from one portal to another.
Why is there a file restriction
File size restriction was implemented inorder to check the sizes of the file that are being uploaded. Most of the time, 1MB size is used. Only portals with
an unlimited hosting space can be allowed to upload any amount of file. But any file that will take more than 30 seconds to respond will actually result into another unknown error.
How can I stop this error?
Most of the time, if its an image file, the size can be reduced by using some professional tools like Adobe Photoshop. You can search the web on how to reduce the size of and
image using different softwares. But if the file is a document, there are 2 ways to hangle this.
Is either you split the document in 2 OR you try zipping the folder (compression).
Why was there a limitation?
File upload size was incorporated into the portal to help increase the speed and processing of files. Image Especially takes time to open when it is too large. Example, an image of 1MB will take a longer time to open and display than an image of 34KB
Why did the portal not handle this itself
The portal handled every file that is being uploaded by reducing the file size by a half and quarter but if the initial file size is too large to handle, then the file size too large error will appear.