Why did this occur?
When this Error is Encountered, it means one of the following:
Your Account Username is not Correct ie. You have forgotten your Username
Your Account Password is not Correct ie. You have forgotten your Password
You have not registered on this Portal.
How do i resolve these issues?
If any of the above 2 issues is correct, the easiest way to get out of this is simply to click on the "Forgot Password" and then
input your email address so that a password reset link will be sent to you.
Note: The email address supplied in the form should match with the one used for the registration
validation and that is why the email address cannot be edited in the profile form,
But if you have no access to your email address, then the nest method is to meet the school admin or a password reset.
If you havent registered on this portal, then click on the "student registration" or students and "parent registration"
or parent. This will open the parent or students registration panel where you can register and become a registered
member of the portal. I you are a new student, then obtain a pin from the school or your registration.
Parents registration is always free., but both account needs to be approved by the school administration.