What is this all about?
This Error Occurs when the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is being tempered with or edited by a user. The URL is a method of transfering informaton
from one page to another. If you havent understood what a URL is, look up to your browsers Address bar and see that you will find something like
http://mydomain/helpme/?topic=invalid-url-parameter. Look at the image for guidiance.
An attempt to change the Information in the URL is a hacking attempt and this is a great offense. We have heard cases where an intelligent system will be
compromised via the URL but this was taken serious in this portal as a criminal offense.
How do I avoid being caught up in this?
The only way to evade this error is tostay out of the URL completely. No matter how beautiful or ugly the URL might look like, you are not expected to modify
any information in it.
What is the security implication when I am caught up in this?
The URL passes secret and valuable information which tera scripts understands and then decodes the paremeters therein providing you with the accurate information.
if you are logged in when this Error occur, then your information has been sent to the admin for scrutiny. Editing the URL should not be encouraged.
Can this lead to a blockage of my account?
Of course Yes!. That is depending on the degree of the Hijacking. There are 3 Degrees of Hijacking. They are:
1. First Degree: This kind of Hijacking is a pure Hacking attempt. Its the most severe hacking attempt and this can lead to a suspension of your account.
When a case liek this is reported, it will be taken as a Mutiny. If you are a staff, your job can be on the line because of this offense. A student will be severely dealth with.
2. Second Degree: This kind of Hijacking is usually an attempt to access the information of others usinbg their Identification number through the URL. This case will be reported also
but not as severe as the First degree. Series of questions might be thrown to you for the reason behind the URL attack. An example of the Second degree Hijacking is trying to
access a page that has been locked via the URL.
3. Third Degree: This is type of URL Hijacking is usually a portal generated one. The case is not reported but fixed instead.